Fun mail day…Artwork by Marsha Jorgensen!

It’s so nice to get fun stuff in the mail rather than just bills and junk! And what could be better than art?  Check out my new Tumble Fish Studio prints by Marsha Jorgensen:

Tumble Fish Studio Limited Ediiton Prints
I was introduced to Marsha’s artwork (a.k.a. Tumble Fish Studio) through a fund raiser for a mutual friend, Tina Wright.  I was the top bidder on a piece of her artwork and a gift certificate to her shop for another print and she was kind enough to send me three!  (Thank-you, I love them!!) Marsha makes these delightful collages the old-fashioned way — by hand.  You can see more at her blog or her etsy shop.

Last week I also received my order of art goodies from The Shoppe at Sommerset.  I now have a set of test tubes, some watch findings (tiny, tiny gears and parts), unusual paper flowers and a cool collage sheet.  Still no time to play with them – maybe this weekend…?  I hope so — I’m going through art withdrawl and my hands are itching to CREATE!

Comments 1

  1. Nikki! I’m sorry it took me so long to get here. We are a mutual admiration society as I posted your work yesterday! How fun! But, I have to say I am truly honored and feel so special to be featured on your blog. You are so kind to do that. Thank you, thank you, thank you. I STILL have your tab open on my browser as I just can’t seem to get enough visiting done here! You are not only very talented but a real sweetheart too. (I love, love, love my Hotel De Tumblefish!)

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